Dicewarmers - Thumbnail weekly progression - Season 1
Start if Season 1 - Figuring out CSP for the first time to design complex thumbs based on a choice number of key topics in the episode

Start if Season 1 - Figuring out CSP for the first time to design complex thumbs based on a choice number of key topics in the episode

Final few thumbs of Season 1 - Exploration of Vectored Lineworks

Final few thumbs of Season 1 - Exploration of Vectored Lineworks

Dicewarmers - Thumbnail weekly progression - Season 1

A Collection of thumbnails which I completed as part of the Dicewarmers Podcast I record every week. Season 1 was a challenge as it was the first project I semi-consistently worked on. Each work noticing my workflow changing and improving to fit the style, using previous inspirations and character turnarounds to deliver consistency throughout the weeks thumbnails.

Season 2 has seen this workflow improve even further!

More artwork